Molding and Casting with 3D Machining


A mold can be made out od any organis or object using any type of material.
Common materials include polymers, plaster, concrete, plastic, epoxy resin, polyurethane rubber, polyester resin etc...
A mold is a slo an art form that precedes a cast.


Cast is made by filling the casting material into or onto a mold.
A cast can be made with the same materials that are used in making a mold

Molding and casting have two different methods of creating a mould

The two methods that we were taught are:

1. Master (3D machining) being positve and hard
Silicone Mould being negative and software
Resin Cast being positve and soft

2. Master/Mould (3D Machining) being negative and hard
Cast (Silicone) being positveand soft


For this assignment we will be using the Master,Mold,Cast method.

Master Rigid foam (blue)
Mould Silicone Rubber RTV 620
Mixing ratio from the Material Safety Data Sheet
Cast Smooth On-Smooth Cast 300

I will be using Fusion360 to make my resin cast, I have decided to make my chinese surname character δΊ‘(yun). I have to design it in the negative point of view

First I make a box that is 80x80x25 mm with a thickness of 5mm
After that I put the chinese character inside the box
Than I make the background for the characters by cutting a square around it
Lastly I round the corners of the character

Generating G-Code

Hover the mouse over the box at the top left that says design and click on Manufacture
Create a new set up for the toolpath
Go to 3D and click on Adaptive clering
Next, I set the correct parameters
After finish setting up, I took a look at the simulation to make sure everything is in correct order
After making sure everything is in order, click on setup , create NC program and inside there select the proper post processor and file name The post processor can be downloaded from autodesk
After downloading the post processer I can go into the post library and import the NC code

After generating the NC Code I can move on to milling.

Setting up

Before I even start milling the mould I will have to cut out a blue foam base on the size i set in fusion360 (80mm x 80mm) and mark the center spot.
Apply double sided tape to the back of the blue foam and find a flat surface on the milling machine to place it
Put in the correct tool, load the NC code and Set X,Y,Z axis

After making sure all the settings is correct I can proceed to cutting


Cutting it down to size before cutting the inside. It goes in a circle at the top
Than the square shape for the inside
After that it process to cut the name

Finished Resin cast

Applying Silicon Rubber RTV-620

We will be using the Silicon Rubber RTV-620 and base on the Material Safety Data Sheet, the mixing ratio is 1 : 1
After considering the size of my resin cast I have decided to use 40grams for both part A and B. Before pouring in the Silicon rubber I first have to place the cup on the measuring scale than set it to zero
Part A and Part B will be poured into separate cups
After I am done pouring I can start mixing them together by pouring A into B
Once I feel that it have been well mixed I can proceed to pur it into the resin cast
Than I let it cure over the week

Remove silicon mould

After letting it cure over the week I can finally remove the mould

Resin Cast

I will be using the Smooth On-Smooth Cast 300.
Base on the Material Safety Data sheet I have realised that the working time is very short so I have to prepare and pour everything quickly.

Working time: 3min
Curing time: 10min



After 10min of curing
Final Product